Comprehension Worksheets

Build your child’s reading comprehension through these comprehension worksheets. Suitable for children in the early years. Each worksheet includes a passage for the child to read, a question sheet and an answer sheet. Download, print and learn!

‘The Teaching of Reading’ e-book is now available for download here.

Free Comprehension Worksheets

Free Comprehension Worksheets

Free Comprehension Worksheets

‘A Day at the Zoo’

‘A Special Day’

‘At the Playground’

‘At the Shop’

‘David’s Birthday’


‘Spot’s In Trouble’

‘The Beach Trip’

Home Readers…Library Books…Magazines

These comprehension worksheets are a great resource to use for a focus on comprehension work, but remember that any books your child reads can be used to work on comprehension skills (often more effectively as they allow practice in context). Different types of books provide different focuses and allow for different comprehension skills to be practised. For example, children should be given exposure to fiction texts and non-fiction texts as the comprehension skills required often differ.

Be sure to read up on the 7 comprehension strategies. Use Blank’s Questioning Techniques for a guide to developing your child’s comprehension skills.

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